
FAS Administration


FAS Waits For Dean’s Initiative

In the midst of last year’s financial crisis, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael D. Smith assembled six “working groups” to establish top Faculty priorities.


Stress of 2009 Staff Cuts Lingers in FAS

Staff members across the Faculty of Arts and Sciences are reporting varying degrees of recovery from last year’s sweeping reductions in staff positions.

Central Administration

IT Offices To Consolidate

Two of the University’s largest information technology offices will be merged in an effort to eliminate redundant functions—a move that officials say will improve and standardize a variety of computing processes for students, including e-mail and printing.

Student Life

Ad Board Grapples with Plagiarism

The advent of smart phones and easy access to the Internet has blurred the lines of what constitutes blatant academic dishonesty.

FAS Administration

New FAS Policy Budget Questioned

Faculty members questioned recently implemented budgeting measures that will grant Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael D. Smith more authority in determining where FAS centers direct their funds.


FAS Maps Budget For Departments

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has prepared a road map for its departments and centers as they construct the budget for the upcoming fiscal year in the face of an $80 million deficit.


Though FAS Slims Down Budget, Work Lies Ahead

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has reduced its deficit to $80 million, signifying a drop that FAS Dean Michael D. Smith credited at yesterday’s Faculty meeting to alumni donations, improvements in the international financial market, and last year’s cost-cutting measures.


FAS Dean Takes a Professorial Role at Faculty Meeting, Armed With Slideshow

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Michael D. Smith, a computer scientist with years of teaching under his belt, assumed a professorial role at yesterday’s Faculty meeting and used a popular lecture tool—a PowerPoint presentation.


FAS Reduces Budget Deficit

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has cut down its deficit to $80 million, which amounts to a $30 million decrease since FAS Dean Michael D. Smith announced in September that the University’s largest school had cut half of its projected deficit, according to a high-ranking FAS administrator.


Dean Smith Presents Positive Picture of FAS Finances at Faculty Meeting

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael D. Smith delivered a notably optimistic financial outlook for FAS yesterday, though the University’s largest school faced a projected $110 million annual deficit as of Sept. 15.


FAS To Lift Salary Freeze

In what may be an early sign that the budget is recovering, Faculty of Arts and Science Dean Michael D. Smith announced yesterday that he would end the salary freezes placed on faculty and staff last December.

College Administration

Faculty Calls For Library Funding

With budget cuts looming over Harvard’s numerous libraries, more than a hundred faculty members signed off on an impassioned letter calling on top University administrators to increase funding for library acquisitions.


FAS, Four Other University Schools Offer Retirement Plan for Faculty Members

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and four of the University’s professional schools offered a voluntary retirement program yesterday to eligible members of their faculties, marking the culmination of months of planning initiated by the fiscal troubles of the last academic year.

Central Administration

Professors in Several Parts of University Offered Retirement Package

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and four of the University's professional schools offered retirement plans to members of their faculty earlier today, marking the realization of an idea that surfaced when it became clear last fall that the University's endowment would be hard-hit by the financial crisis.

FAS Administration

Faculty Finance Dean Departs

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has lost another top financial administrator in the midst of its struggle with a $110 million budget deficit.
