
Commencement 2021

Off-Campus Housing 2

Anticipating Fall Return to Campus, Students Reflect on the Impact of Off-Campus Living During Covid-19

Though during any typical year students would not hesitate to accept their spot in their House, this year students must weigh the benefits of residential House life — a hallmark of the Harvard College experience — with newfound joys they experienced living outside the Harvard bubble.

Harvard Square Reopening
Harvard Square

As Massachusetts Reopens, Harvard Square Businesses Regain Lost Momentum

After a year of uncertainty, Harvard Square business owners are looking forward to welcoming more tourists and students to the Square in the next few months, now that Covid-19 vaccines are readily available in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Widener Library
Op Eds

A Centennial Ode: Inspiration from a Bygone Class of ’21

The Harvard Class of 2021 now prepares to receive its degrees and set forth into a world so startlingly different from 2017, when they arrived in Cambridge. It might therefore be appropriate to pause and give a salute to its centennial forbear — the extraordinary class of 1921 — and reflect upon some startling similarities, as well as differences, between their times and challenges. Both the 1921 and 2021 classes arrived at Harvard as epic events were unfolding that would forever alter the students’ lives, the University, the nation, and the world.

Memorial Church Congrats Grads

Commencement 2021

As the Class of 2021 (virtually) departs Harvard's campus, this special issue looks back on a historic school year and graduating class.

Year in News 2021

Opinion 2021

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