{shortcode-41f900c21966694d91c2ea6e76ab35e45f3c4015}Welcome to Harvard Class of 2027! Although I did not have an ~in-person~ Visitas, I imagine it’s the same packed schedule of back-to-back information sessions and clubs trying to bribe you to join them with too-good-to-be-true Patagonias or trips to Europe. When you start falling asleep at your fifth random consulting club information session, here’s what you should do that’s not in the ~scheduled programming~ during Visitas weekend.
Take a stance in the Felipe’s vs Jefe’s debate
Harvard students will debate about which Mexican restaurant is better for hours, and friendships *will* be broken over these conversations. So it is your duty as an incoming Harvard student to explore Harvard Square by trying out everyone’s favorite taquerias. Since Jefe’s recent relocation, the competitors are right across the street from each other making it even more convenient for you to make pros and cons lists for each of them. But be warned: whichever place you favor absolutely defines you, and the rest of your ~transformative~ Harvard experience.
Explore Tasty Basty
The center of the freshman social scene. Grab a burger, or “dance” in a crowded basement — the choice is truly yours. Tasty Burger will be there for you at your highest highs and for your lowest lows during your first 12 months at an ~Ivy League~ institution. You’d be surprised how much time you’re going to spend in the basement of a burger chain joint.
Get over your fear of the MBTA
Learning how to navigate the T your first weekend in Cambridge will make you an unstoppable force of nature within the Harvard community. And maybe visit Boston while you’re at it too! ~Escape the Harvard bubble.~
Take a walk by the Charles River & romanticize your next four years
Main character vibes, what more do I need to say? Bonus points if you get a picture with your Visitas friend group by the sunset.
Break the Quad stigma
After your glamorous walk by the River, start getting used to the idea of the Quad! Find the best things about it while you don’t have classes to rush to yet. It’ll make your housing day ~scaries~ nonexistent in the future.
Visit Trader Joe’s
I’m not just saying this because TJ’s is ingrained in Flyby culture, but you must visit the Trader Joe’s in Allston! When you want to quite literally *spice up* your meals or escape CVS’s climbing prices, this place will be your holy grail. As someone who overlooked TJs before coming to Harvard, not going earlier was the biggest mistake in my life.
Try to find Remy
Remy the cat is a local celebrity here. Everyone loves him and acts as paparazzi when he’s around. Jump on the bandwagon and grab a selfie with this campus icon! Rumor has it he lurks around the Barker Center…
Go to Lamont basement, then go to the 10th floor of the Smith Campus Center
Lamont will reveal Harvard’s gloomiest atmosphere, and if you can face that you can face anything. Then to get your spirits up after exposing yourself to the true darkness within Harvard, visit Smith for a breathtaking view and mellow music that will convince you everything will be okay. <3
Start the Harvard traditions early
Do a quick Google search and proceed at your own risk.
Nonetheless these are just a handful of suggestions, and I hope whatever you choose to do with your weekend will be memorable and amazing. <3