The end is near, hear hear! Times may seem dismal, but soon enough the worst of these cold, dark days will be over. Instead of throwing up your arms and going HAM because YOLO—let's be real, that's been done—here are some more creative ways to celebrate the end of these endless days:

1. Go for a Primal Scream Round 2, last-day-of-finals version. This is your chance to set a new tradition for Harvard and become a legend forever. So go send out that mass blast to your class and tell them they’re in for a “special treat.”

2. Throw a gigantic rooftop party atop none other than the glorious Widener Library. No need to worry about waking up the proctor next door or having to call Yard-Ops about the hole in the ceiling from opening that champagne bottle.

3. Invite tourists to the party (see #2), to make up for all the photobombing and smack talk you did throughout the semester. Tell them it’ll be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see what the life of a Harvard student is really like, and of course, refreshments are on you.

4. Treat yourself out to some oysters at Russell House Tavern, and bask in that luxurious life. Maybe you can bring home a few more bucketfuls for the roommate that is still suffering from studying for that Ec 10 final that was conveniently scheduled for the very last day of finals.

5. Coordinate with your classmates to bring along a hat to wear for your very last final, whether it’s the faded hand-me-down baseball cap from Uncle Joe or the super-hip straw hat borrowed from a Hahvahd tour guide, and have everyone throw theirs up as high as they can once the TF calls out those momentous words, “time’s up.”

6. Time for that upgrade to your midnight diet! Now that you have some time to step outside your cave, take a break from your stash of chicken-flavored ramen and go for some actual chicken wings. It’s good to shake things up once in a while.

7. Before you can celebrate some more, you should really get on that giant pile of laundry sitting in your room. To give yourself some incentive, promise yourself an Insomnia cookie (or a shot of whiskey, whatever floats your boat) for every load you throw into the washer.