The quick and dirty about what's been going on around the Ancient Eight (and some other schools too).

After all the wonderful videos Yale made for us this year, will there ever be a DVD box set to archive these cinematic treasures for posterity? While we would certainly be willing to shell out whatever amount for such a timeless collection, we would hereby like to suggest yet another chapter to the saga, another item for inclusion in the series.

Just today, The New York Times “The Choice” blog ran a piece from a guest contributor—a Yale Class of 2014 admit. The kid, who stars in an accompanying video, writes about how Yale was his first choice, and, from his writing sample, we agree that it would probably be the best match for him. Describing the moment when he first learned of his admission, he writes, “Hugs abounded and fist pumps flowed like water; I felt the burden of my uncertainty float away.” Just look at those similes—and that smokin’ semicolon! Harold Bloom would be so proud…

Also, MGMT is coming to perform at Yale’s annual Spring Fling and Brown's Spring Weekend. (Brown, by the way, will also get Snoop Dogg.) Wonder who we'll get for Yardfest?

On a more alarming note, the price of birth control pills will more than double at Princeton after Mar. 31. The university health center currently charges $6 for both available brands—Lo-Ovral and Aviane—which will soon cost $14 and $17, respectively. According to The Daily Princetonian, the price increase is in reaction to the recent depletion of the temporary “discretionary funds that UHS has used to subsidize oral contraceptives for all students and their dependents.”

In light of the recent Texas school board vote that approved putting “a conservative stamp” on certain textbooks, Columbia Professor Eric Foner appeared on the Colbert Report last night to voice his disapproval about altering history.

Finally, Larry Summers spoke at Stanford last Friday night to offer his two cents on what needs to be done with financial regulation. Apparently, he voiced his support for compensating taxpayers for the part they played in the Wall Street bailout.