
The Campaign for 'Quad Sound'

Lynn Miao

Quad Sound Studio

While few may know it exists, Harvard does have a recording studio in the Quad for students' use. Unfortunately, it's filled with equipment from the '80s. Michael Jackson and Prince are great, but some students want to record more current music on more current equipment. And so they've launched Quad Sound Studios, which seeks to raise $20,000 in funding to create a "full-service recording studio," staffed with engineers to help musicians with recording, according to Matt P. Sheets '15, president of Quad Sound.

The studio, located under Holmes Hall in Pforzheimer House, is set to open next semester, Sheets said. While the group does already have a space for their studio, Dylan F. Perese '16, the business manager of Quad Sound, said that it is not operational yet.

Quad Sound has already raised around $2,500, and the student leaders of the venture have discussed funding with the music department, Dean Hammonds, and alumni. Last week, the studio launched a new campaign to build student support by asking their peers to add their name to a form on its website.


Sheets said that the main purpose of Quad Sound is to "build a community through a studio." The organization will not only be open to musicians among Harvard undergrads and graduate students, but it will also provide free recording to street musicians in Boston so that they can sell CDs of their music.

On campus, the studio will help artists connect and learn from each other. "Harvard has way too many talented musicians for this not to exist," said Perese.

