
Dining Hall Workers Approve Strike If Needed

"It's great for morale to know that people care," Martin said. "To know that what we're doing affects the lives of workers means a lot."

Loux said that one of her goals for the night was to have a rally that made a serious statement without being too disruptive.

After blocking traffic on the side of Mass Ave. closest to the Yard for close to six minutes, union organizers cleared the street.


Loux asked everyone to listen to union organizers with yellow armbands with the word "marshall" written on them.

"We want people to stay in the middle, on one side or the other. We're asking you to keep it disciplined, orderly, and loud," she said.

Despite the union's efforts to maintain order, the evening rally drew a major response from first-years in the Yard because of the noise.

"We had over 100 complaints in the first half-hour , and they weren't to register support for the rally," HUPD Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley said. "People are trying to write term papers and prepare for exams."

--Staff Writer Amit R. Paley can be reached at

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