
Dining Hall Workers Approve Strike If Needed

She said the result of a contract dispute with Restaurant Associates, the company that contracts workers at the Harvard Business School (HBS), is an indication of the success of the rally of the Harvard workers last Wednesday and pressure from the PSLM sit-in.

Restaurant Associates wanted to reduce the wages of workers at the new Spengler Dining Hall in HBS from the higher board operations rates to cash operations rates, according to Loux.

Because of pressure from the PSLM's sit-in and a grievance filed , the union forced the company to change its mind and continue pay 120 workers at the higher board rates, Loux said.


"All of this is part and parcel with our coalition with the students and what they've done," Loux said.

She said the union will "demand that there will be amnesty for every single Harvard student in Massachusetts Hall."

After the vote Loux led the meeting out of the church and across Mass. Ave in a cheer of "What do we want? Contract. When do we want it? Now," less than 20 minutes after the meeting began.

The dining hall workers entered Harvard Yard at 8:45, 15 minutes before Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) officers began asking for Harvard IDs for all those entering the Yard.

"We're just coming to present our hearts to the students," Co-Captain of the Negotiating Committee and Adams House Chef Edward Childs said.

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