
Dining Hall Workers Approve Strike If Needed

The crowd from the meeting met PSLM and other supporters in front of Mass. Hall.

Loux then led a crowd of more than 300 chanting protesters in a march around the living wage campaign's tent city in the Yard.


She thanked those inside of Mass. Hall for their actions.

"They raised the consciousness of those of us in the labor movement. They showed us the importance of direct action and the need to stand up for what's right," she told the rally.

Loux said that students across the country are following the example of the PSLM.

"Students in North Carolina are planning a one-day walkout of their classes to stand up for their workers," she said.

"What's possible with students alone or workers alone is nothing compared to what we can do together," said Jane H. Martin`01, a PSLM member sitting-in in Mass. Hall.

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