


March 22, 2001


Don’t Trumpet Rejections

To the editors:

In the article “Acceptance Rates For Class of 2005 Hits All-Time Low” (News, April 4), I was amused to notice that The Crimson has continued its long-standing love affair with Harvard’s selective admissions record. I’ve read countless Crimson articles during my three years here smugly alluding Harvard’s “elite” status and its place as the “top university” in the nation, whatever that means. And now an article about admissions, focusing on rejection letters and containing the internal headline “Harvard Rejects More Applicants Than Ever Before.” Give me a break. Everyone here knows Harvard is an excellent and selective university; there is no need to trumpet the number of rejections while implicitly patting ourselves on the back. I would have thought The Crimson could have jettisoned its usual smug tone in the name of a slight touch of classiness. Not, I suppose, while there’s an opportunity for gratuitous self-congratulation.

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