


Don’t Forget Clergy


To the editors:

With much dismay, I read Claudia Gregoire’s opinion piece in support of a monument for Americans who fought on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War (Opinion, “The Last Battle,” March 22). What the article failed to mention is that the electoral system in Spain was terribly corrupt when the Republicans came to power and that the assassination of a Republican leader is what caused the war to begin. Moreover, the article neglected to mention an important fact about the war, that the Republican government was brutally anti-clerical. Republican forces murdered more than 10,000 priests and nuns in Spain and 12 bishops during the war. While Franco was no saint from our narrow American perspective, why do we think it would be a good idea to immortalize his enemies, whose lust for the blood of Catholic clergy was rabid?

Christopher G. Roberts ’01

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