


The recent article about the Clinton Presidential Library (News, “Rocky Start for Clinton Presidential Library”, March 23) included details of my resistance to the city of Little Rock taking my land by condemnation. I am opposed to the top-down, secretive and non-participatory manner in which the city of Little Rock made the decision and chose its method of financing.


Sen. David Pryor’s statement about me, “I don’t know if he’s mad at President Clinton, or just mad,” is truly incredible for the director of the Institute of Politics (IOP). It was a cute and printable quote displaying the Senator’s knowledge that “mad” has several meanings, but did he attain his position by assuming that all in opposition to him were either angry or insane (or rabid)? Students at the IOP would do well to learn that often there are legitimate differences based upon principle, and being dismissive of an adversary seldom resolves disputes.

Eugene M. Pfeiffer III

Little Rock, Ark.

April 4, 2001

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