From the standpoint of many Adamsians, Scott A. Resnick's column "On Food and Fairness" (Opinion, Feb. 28) was particularly ill-timed, coming close on the heels of a Monday night when the Adams dining hall was so crowded that it was impossible for two people to find a seat together as early as 5:30 p.m. On our side, the real problem at hand is that the no-interhouse policy has not been enforced. Our issue is with the practical problem of having to circle the dining hall of our own house like nomads, loaded trays in our hands and forlorn looks on our faces.
That being said, most of us recognize that the Quadlings got a raw deal. In general, we welcome you all; the principle provocation of grumblings about the gong are the tables full of Lowell- and Quincy-ites with nary an Adamsian in their midst. We were happy to adopt the PfoHo-ers last year, and I daresay we'd do it again if you asked nicely and/or kicked our butts in football again. Perhaps we should resurrect a suggestion made last year that Adams adopt PfoHo, Lowell adopt Cabot and Quincy adopt Currier, or some arrangement like that. In the meantime, befriend an Adamsian. We're cute, we're cuddly and we're allowed two guests apiece.
Taryn Arthur '02
Feb. 28, 2001