


House Spirit Lacking

To the editors:


At the risk of inflating the significance of increasing members in Greek organizations (News, "Rush Hour," Feb. 23), the recent explosion of interest in such groups should trigger an examination of the House-centered College system. Although the two spheres of social bodies may not necessarily intersect (especially as rush targets first-years) and can meet different needs, the core missions of many Greek groups include strengthening camaraderie and organizational allegiance, offering outlets for community service and providing support and advice for its members--many of which fall under the purview of the House system. If the Houses are not adequately addressing these important aspects of the undergraduate experience and students are finding other means to satisfy them, perhaps a new model for undergraduate life should be explored. Student center anyone?

Steve W. Chung '01

Feb. 24, 2001

Find a Friend in Adams

To the editors:

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