On Feb. 6, the Committee on Undergraduate Education discussed a proposal to change the structure of reading and exam periods. Under the proposal, assignments such as final projects and papers would no longer be due during reading period, and instead on specified dates during exam period.

As Harvard examines how this would change the last weeks of each semester, Flyby took a look around to see how some other schools handle it.

Princeton: Princeton also has a reading period that lasts approximately 10 days, during which faculty can choose to hold class. The last day of their reading period is dubbed "dean's date" and is designated for the " final submission of written work", including papers and projects.

And don't forget — unlike Harvard, they have their fall semester finals after winter break.

Yale: Though some classes may meet during Yale's weeklong reading period, they aren’t allowed to assign due dates for take-home exams during that period. Instead, the take-home finals are due during the regular exam period.

Other final assignments, however, are due during reading period: "It is expected that instructors will require all course assignments, including term papers, to be submitted at the latest by the last day of reading period," the reading period policy reads.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

CORRECTION: Feb. 21, 2013

An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated the date on which the Committee on Undergraduate Education dicussed a propose to restructure reading period. In fact, the CUE held its discussion on Feb. 6, not Jan. 6.