
No New Kid on the Block: It's Joey MacIntyre

JM: It's funny, because it is your hometown so you're kind of sensitive. Any other time, it's like, whatever. But when I come home, I do the inside track, the radio shows, which can be tough too because it has a personal vibe. I don't have a lot of expectations; I just think about the work and personal expectations. If it does well, it does well, and if it comes out on video, I think a lot of people are going to go out and find it. A lot of the time we look at the bottom line, and that's not what this is about. I'm pretty over that thing.


THC: You recently reached out into directing; do you plan on helming any more projects in the near future?

JM: The only thing I directed was my last video. The stuff I do, like my music, it's important for me to be hands on. It's also important for me to write my own stuff - or at least co-write. My music is very personal to me; I'm not going to do the job if I can't do it. If I feel like I have something offer, then I will do it. I'm going to succeed and fail on my own. I guess that's what keeps me staying with music as opposed to acting, because it's just more hands on for me and the rewards come faster. I love to act too but I want to dedicate more time to it if I'm really going to do it and time hasn't really happened for me.

THC: So what are you working on now?

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