
No New Kid on the Block: It's Joey MacIntyre

THC: The studio has been very reluctant to release this film; they've actually pushed its release date back five years. Looking back, how do you feel about your performance?

JM: Yeah, it's been a while. I tend not to beat myself up too much about anything, but certainly again it comes back to the fact that Matt's this kid making mistakes, and you can get away with it. I did what I had to do. There's a couple times where I wish I were more patient here and there, and that just comes with having the confidence to do that. I think I was able to pull it off because Matt was that kind of person.


THC: Could you play this role now?

JM: I'd have to act it more. I was a lot more innocent back then, and kind of wide-eyed. I think Michael Ritchie saw that and cast me. When he realized I could sing, that put it over the top. Thinking back, I was that way. Now I'm a little more cynical.

THC: What was it like singing live on the set, instead of using the traditional method of lip-synching and dubbing typically used in movie musicals?

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