
Hard Choices

Students find mental health resources tough to navigate

He says the program is being evaluated this summer.

On the other side, the provost's report also charged that House officials should better learn how to handle mental health concerns when they arise.

Report recommendations include setting aside empty suites for students to use as "safe space," evaluating tutors' interpersonal skills and providing extensive training for all residential staff.


A Better Bureau

The BSC, which offers psychological and academic individual and group counseling, offers only 4,300 to 5,000 individual student visits in one year--a quarter of the volume UHS handles.

Yet because the resource is geared to students alone--no HMO patients or retirees--the BSC sees around the same number of students as UHS, just for longer periods of time and more regularly.

And because the staff is focused on student life, patients say, therapists are easier to develop a rapport with.

"It was never a problem for me to see [a Bureau psychologist] every week for an hour," Jennifer says.

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