
This Little Piggy Goes to Harvard

Dershowitz jokes that she is a better candidate for the Court than those on presumptive Republican nominee George W. Bush's short list of potential justices.

The 1,000-pound pig caught the eye of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton when they stayed at Friedman's house six years ago, he says.

After their vacation was over, the Clintons wrote a letter praising Henrietta.


"Dear Dick: Thanks for a couple of months in pig heaven," they said.

Later, someone suggested that Friedman name his new restaurant after his muddy friend.

About a year ago, "I asked my buddy David Mamet, who is a playwright, to write a book about Henrietta coming to Harvard," Friedman says.

Friedman, who says he is not "gutsy" enough to kill his pigs, let Henrietta keep eating well past the 400-pound, 18-month limit at which pigs are generally slaughtered.

And after growing to half a ton, Henrietta finally took her last roll in the mud in 1998 at the age of 10.

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