
This Little Piggy Goes to Harvard

"Harvard Law School students need to be reminded every so often about our elitism," he adds.

Law School spokesperson Michael Chmura says that the press created a controversy where one did not exist.

"The Boston Globe started it off," Chmura says, referring to an article alleging that the book is a parable about Harvard's history of racial discrimination. "I haven't noticed any reaction [on campus]."


He adds that 25 percent of Law School students are minorities and that 47 percent of this year's entering class were women.

Dahlie declined to comment for this article, while Mamet--author of such well-renowned plays as "Glengarry Glen Ross" and "American Buffalo"--has not given an interview about his book thus far.

That'll Do, Pig

Mamet's book was based on a real-life Henrietta, who also inspired the restaurant Henrietta's Table in the Charles Hotel.

"Henrietta is a legendary, famous pig," says local real estate developer Richard Friedman, her Martha's Vineyard owner.

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