
The King of Hearts Bids Necco Farewell After 47 Sweet Years

"I basically joined the enemy," he recalls.

His arrival at NECCO coincided with a move by the company to update the conversation hearts. And so the King of Hearts was born.


Since Cupid is often busy elsewhere on Valentine's Day, Marshall's role as the King of Hearts has grown into being the quasi-official spokesperson of all-things love. For one last Valentine's Day.

"In June of '53, I walked into the candy factory. In June of 2000, God willing, I'll walk out," he says.

While Marshall will miss the company, leaving won't break his heart. He's going to pursue his hobbies, playing the drums and running in 10-kilometer races.

"I hope to do all the things I've been putting aside," he says. "I'm sure I'll be busy."

He's also not concerned that the hearts will languish without him, even though he hasn't selected an heir to the throne.

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