
Presidential Hopeful Attacks Parties

The establishment and major media, he said, are excluding him from major debates and presidential primaries.

"The campaign silence in the mass media is not going to work," he said. "I think the fight's a good one."

LaRouche said he is currently on the ballot in 29 states and will be an official candidate in 45 states in the end.


LaRouche told students that too much of the economy is based on stocks and management and not enough on what he considers basics like industry and agriculture.

"We've been losing industry, we've been losing farms," LaRouche said. "We have a debt pileup beyond belief and it's getting worse."

To remedy the situation, LaRouche advocated a return to the Bretton Woods monetary system adopted by Roosevelt in 1944, saying that the government must reorganize the bankrupt system and must impose high protective tariffs on trade.

LaRouche also defended his personal record during the call. He has served time in prison for fraud and tax evasion--and ran his campaign in 1992 from his prison cell.

"There have been factions in government which have been out to get me," he said. "The operation against the most extensive of any operation run against any public figure in recent memory."

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