
Presidential Hopeful Attacks Parties

"Once they get turned on to knowledge, it doesn't quit," LaRouche said.

In the conference call, entitled "LaRouche in Dialogue with America's Campuses" and moderated by LaRouche National Spokesperson Deborah Freeman, the candidate spoke for nearly 100 minutes on a wide variety of issues. The call was simultaneously broadcast on the Internet.


LaRouche said the top 20 percent of Americans dominate the presidential campaigns.

"[Both parties] have greatly ignored the lower 80 percent of lower-income family brackets and their problems," he said.

LaRouche said the "only hope" is an appeal to the "Forgotten Man and Woman"--blacks, Latinos, women, labor and the bottom 80 percent of society--alluding to the "Forgotten Man" appeal of Franklin D. Roosevelt '04 in 1932.

"Bring the people back into the system," he said, adding that a minority of the Democratic National Committee controls the party apparatus.

"Let's get these bureaucrats cleared out of there," he said. "Let's take politics back."

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