
FBI Files Show HBS Forced Out Leftist Professor

Red Scare Revisited: Historian quit after refusing to state his politics

Kremlin on the Charles

Harvard was a special target of Sen. Joseph McCarthy's crusade to expose Communist infiltrators in America's most important institutions.

In McCarthy's words Harvard was a "smelly mess"--a "privileged sanctuary for Fifth Amendment Communists," where students risked "indoctrination by Communist professors."


Harvard fought back publicly. In a special 1953 statement, the Harvard Corporation said membership in the Communist Party was grounds for dismissal but that refusing to answer questions about the party was not.

Harvard questioned many faculty members about alleged ties to the party (please see related story, page A-7)--one professor was even suspended when Harvard feared she was "under Communist domination."

But according to all definitive accounts to date, Harvard never forced anyone off the faculty for refusing to answer questions about whether or not he or she was a Communist.

The Ginger Files

The FBI has a file dozens of pages long on Ann Ginger. Harvard and the FBI maintained a strong, cooperative relationship, with University officials repeatedly contacting agents to provide information on Ginger in 1954.

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