
FBI Files Show HBS Forced Out Leftist Professor

Red Scare Revisited: Historian quit after refusing to state his politics

In one case, Harvard told an ex-Communist that he could not have a job promised to him if he did not inform on the party.

Sigmund Diamond, a Communist for nine years, had been offered a position as counselor for foreign students and dean of special students. But when Dean of the Faculty McGeorge Bundy learned of his Communist past, he told Diamond he would have to turn over a list of his political associates or he would lose the offer. Diamond refused and left for Columbia University.


Bundy put a similar condition on Robert Bellah's appointment as an instructor in the Social Relations Department and sent him to University Health Services where a doctor asked him if he had "engaged in sexual acts" for which he "could be blackmailed."

Revealing information about the Communist Party was also sometimes made a condition of financial aid.

When Bellah was a graduate student, Bundy told him that he would have to name names of his associates in the Communist Party in order to retain his fellowship. Bellah left the University for Canada rather than accept the conditions.

Fulfilling the conditions would have been an easy task according to Judge Lawrence D. Shubow '43-'44, a former Communist.

"In my class at Harvard College I was the only member of the Young Communists League," he recalls. "I was called upon by my comrades to recruit other people but could not. I look back with amusement at the notion that somehow the Red tide was rising to dangerous heights at Harvard."

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