
Gates to Advise Gore on Race for Presidency

Af-Am chair splits with pro-Bradley West

He had planned to write for the New Yorker magazine on politics, but said he will now focus on other topics.

Though Gates's public persona has seen its share of controversy, West has arguably been the target of more criticism. His philosophy--which extends to his writings--is an amalgam of postmodernism, Christian theology and Marxism.


Martin Peretz, the New Republic editor in chief, Gore confidant and Harvard lecturer, tried to minimize West's potential impact on the Bradley campaign to the Phoenix reporter.

West "may be the last remaining socialist in American life, so he doesn't bring a lot of comrades with him," Peretz said.

But Bradley's staff relishes the advice West has given.

Pausing between spin sessions at last Friday's debate in Nashua, Bradley communications director Anita Dunn said of Gates and West, "That's a debate I'd love to see."

--Parker R. Conrad, Sarah A. Dolgonos and James Y. Stern contributed to the reporting of this article.

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