
Gates to Advise Gore on Race for Presidency

Af-Am chair splits with pro-Bradley West

"I have enormous respect for Sen. Bradley and even more respect for Cornel West."

Gates said he has not yet discussed with the Gore staff what political role he will take in the next few months. He also said he does not know whether he'll do any traveling to support the vice president's campaign.

Gore's staff said that Gates will assume an "unofficial" advising role in the weeks to come.


"We certainly welcome his involvement," said Chris Lehane, Gore's communications director. "Anyone as distinguished as he is is always welcome."

West, meanwhile, said he plans to be an active participant in the Bradley campaign. He is a key advisor on policy issues--and also will stump for Bradley in the next several months.

"I've always said, I'm his brother and friend, his comrade, I'll gladly go down South, I'll gladly to go Iowa, I'm glad to be here in New Hampshire," West said.

The prediction that Gates would one day join the Gore campaign was first reported in the Nov. 12 issue of the Boston Phoenix, though at that time Gates had not yet committed.

While his attention will now be turned to politics, Gates has spent the last few months in educational pursuits, having published his 3,500-entry Encarta Africana encyclopedia and producing a six-part documentary on African civilization for PBS.

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