
Gates to Advise Gore on Race for Presidency

Af-Am chair splits with pro-Bradley West

"Oh yes, my dear brothers, Al Gore and Skip Gates I have great respect for," he said. "Skip Gates is my boss. He's a good boss. And I appreciate working with him, but we're going to be on different sides of the fence here."

"But that's good," West added. "That's what the marketplace is all about."


The two colleagues frequently discuss the candidates and issues, West said.

"Oh, we've had long debates about this thing...We've had wonderful disagreements...But I think I'm right," West concluded.

Gates, too, said he and West have had nothing but friendly and respectful conversations about the candidates.

"I love Cornel and he's a friend," Gates said. "His commitment to Bradley and my commitment to Gore are both political and personal.

"We both have personal relations with the candidate that existed long before this election," he added.

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