
Dining Services Slots Midnight Snack for Fall

Quad dining halls, which made a particular push this year to leave out snacks at night, have already dealt with calculating the amount of food students consume each night.

HUDS hopes to learn the ropes from the Masters who have dealt with the snacks on their own and with their own budget, McNitt said.

"They experienced challenges like how much beverage to put out. We try to get it just right," McNitt said. "We hope to find a rhythm to it. There are peaks and valleys. So it takes a while to find a balance."


Under the new plan, dining staff will arrange the snacks for students before they leave for the night, which is usually at about 8 p.m. Before breakfast the next morning, staff members will tidy up, although students will be encouraged to pitch in.

"Students are going to be asked to clean up for themselves," McNitt said.

As for how much this will raise the board plan fee, McNitt said she was unsure.

"It will be more costly. That's our biggest challenge now," McNitt said.

Winthrop House Master Paul D. Hanson said the Masters are still working out how to balance the costs of the proposal and how much the Houses will contribute, if at all.

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