
Dining Services Slots Midnight Snack for Fall

Late last night in the Winthrop House dining hall, students studying chemistry said they could use a "Brain Break."

"Three to 5 a.m. is a really hungry period, and you have to raid roommates' food stores because there's nowhere else to go," said Anang A. Shelat '00, who added that a late-night option would have been nice this year.


Denise E. Chou '02, who says she is a frequent customer to the Dunster House Grill, agreed.

"If you're writing a paper or studying for a midterm, you don't want to go outside," she said.

HUDS first announced it was considering a fourth meal in early November, when Mayer said the discussion needed to continue.

"We're very seriously looking into it, but we haven't committed to it," Mayer said at the time.

While waiting for the Brain Breaks to start, students can stop by one of the seven Houses that currently offers some sort of late-night option.

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