
Manipulation or Consumer Education?

Psychologists across the country aim to restrict marketing towards children

Nevertheless, adherence to CARU regulations remains completely voluntary. Although CARU encourages adherence to its Self-Regulatory Guidelines, it "seeks change through the voluntary cooperation of advertisers," according to the CARU Web site.

Only 29 of the country's corporations are listed as CARU supporters on the Web site, including several giant corporations such as America Online Inc. and Mattel Inc.


On the other side of the debate, businesses that advertise to children insist that they are in fact being responsible by consulting psychologists before launching ad campaigns aimed at children.

No More Toys 'R' Us Kids

The letter brings to the forefront an issue Rhea K. Farberman, director of public communication at the APA, says that is entirely new.

We don't have a response yet," she says. "It's the first time we've received such a letter or concern."

Farberman says that the issue has been referred to one of APA's boards.

Signatories of the letter say that they have not yet heard any response from their colleagues, but that they are not surprised because the letter only became public last week.

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