

Corinne F.'s Last Will

To the Yard Dorms: One hundred German tourists.

To the Union Dorms: A single reason anyone would want to live there now that meals are in Annenberg.

To the juniors: A cool off-year Commencement speaker.

To the sophomores: A fruitful remaining year as patrons of the Grille.

To the first-years: The ability to overcome the stigma of being the "naught" class year.


To the pre-frosh: A satisfying life without Chelsea.

To the graduate students: One last sneer. Especially if you're a T.F.

To Harvard Square: Peruvian flute players on every corner.

To the Coop: A refund--no, giving it to us.

To the Tasty: An ever-lasting lease.

To the Wursthaus: A second coming.

To the Kong: Three egg rolls to go.

To Grafton's: A "One Potato Two Potato" commemorative booth.

To the Pro: Less Attention to Detail.

To the Grille: The best years of our lives.
