On the last time I will have this forum to address Fair Harvard, I have decide to create, in the proud tradition of the high school yearbook, a Senior Last Will and Testament of my own.
To President Rudenstine: A faculty that reflects the diversity of the student body.
To President Wilson: A bigger budget, more t-shirts for students, and a campus closer to the Yard.
To Dean Lewis: Some allies.
To Professor Sandel: A talk-show gig.
To Professor DeVore: A class taken for its subject matter rather than its title.
To Professor Kugel: Enrollment greater than Ec 10.
To Professor Feldstein: A lascivious limerick.
To FAS operations guru Bob Mortimer: Universal key card access and an occasional snow day.
To Menu Man: Love from the girls of Winthrop B-42. Mornings won't be the same without you.
To OCS: Thirty clones of William Wright-Swadel.
To the Harvard University Police Department: Thirty clones of Officer Mo Morrison.
To Harvard Dining Services: Thirty clones of Menu Man, plus 24-hour chickwich bars in every dining hall.
To FAS computer services: Immortality for the late and much lamented husc7.
To the MAC: Equipment to compete with Wellbridge.
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