
Summer Selected as New Co-Chair of BGLTSA

* Rapid growth raises questions for group's board

Summer said a recent BGLTSA event gives her hope toward this end.

The group sponsored a queer diversity workshop facilitated by Ana Lara '97.

"Something that both Andre and I commented on during the meeting was that there were an equal number of men and women there," Summer said.

The co-chairs said several other events are planned to help promote diversity within BGLTSA.

In January, the group will sponsor a Women's Art Weekend in Adams House, open to all women artists.


And a dance planned for next semester will have two dance floors, one catering to males and another reserved for females, Sulmers said.

In addition, Summer said the group will devote a lot of its energy toward developing the groups under its umbrella.

These include Girlspot, a forum for women; Quest, a confidential peer group; Cocktail, a forum for men; Spectrum a group for queers of color; QUAG, a group dedicated to political action; and the Transgender Task Force.

"For the rest of the year, we're working to define the relationship among these groups in our communities," she said.
