
Summer Selected as New Co-Chair of BGLTSA

* Rapid growth raises questions for group's board

"We have been working all along all year to promote this kind of attitude and delegation of responsibilities," she said. "It becomes problematic when one person feels the pressure of being a figurehead for an organization as well as having all these responsibilities."

Board members expressed appreciation for McEwen's work for BGLTSA.

"I certainly enjoyed working with Mitch," said Adam A. Sofen '01, BGLTSA's treasurer. "I'm sorry that she's left."

Campbell said he feels that McEwen was not the only member of the group who was not able to fulfill their commitments because of the way BGLTSA is structured.

"The co-chairs were generally doing most of the work each week," Campbell said.


The board decided to revise its constitution and compartmentalize several duties, giving BGLTSA committees more responsibilities over their respective projects, Campbell said.

"The work of the BGLTSA is supposed to be split along the job descriptions [for the group's two co-chairs, two vice co-chairs and treasurer] in terms of an even keel sort of fashion," Sulmers said. "When that's realized, it works very well and when it not realized, it does not work quite as well," he said.

Sulmers declined to comment on both McEwen's resignation and the controversy surrounding the publicity posters.

Campbell said that issues arose after McEwen's resignation that highlighted a larger problem within BGLTSA--lesbian representation.

The board voted to strike a provision in its constitution which mandated that one of the board's co-chair be female.

"BGLTSA is an organization that is devoted to breaking down or deconstructing arbitrary gender distinctions," Campbell said. To require a position be given to a female goes against the organization's philosophy, he said.

At the same time, the board affirmed that its composition be representative of BGLTSA's membership, which includes many lesbian and bisexual females.

"The problem is most of our event tend to be attended largely by males," Campbell said.

The board resolved "to rededicate ourselves to reaching out to ourselves," Campbell said.

"We have the stigma of the BGLTSA being an all-male organization and I want to change that," Sulmers said.
