
Christopher Will Speak

Secretary of State Warren Christopher will deliver what is predicted to be a "major" foreign policy address at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Kennedy School of Government's ARCO Forum.

No tickets will be issued for the free event, but organizers ask those wishing to attend the speech to arrive early. The doors will open to the expected crowd of 600 at noon.

Christopher will discuss progress on goals he outlined before a Kennedy School crowd last January and will discuss his diplomatic objectives for the coming year.

He is expected to talk about American military intervention in Bosnia and the decision to move beyond purely diplomatic methods.

"Only a negotiated solution has any chance of lasting and preventing a wider war," he said last January. "Going it alone...would Americanize the conflict."


Last year, Christopher also detailed the alleged human rights abuses in China. He is expected to update the situation in China at Thursday's speech.

"China needs to demonstrate greater respect for human rights and the role of the law," he said.
