At the May 2nd faculty meeting FAS voted toendorse the Marsden committee's report despite theCorporation's action.
Faculty members also restated their objectionsto the changes and reiterated their complaints onnot being consulted for the changes.
Jaeger said that some of the faculty's concernsabout the review process paralleled those ofHUCTW.
"Members of HUCTW have basically the sameconcerns as the faculty about exclusion from thebenefits review process and the flawed ideas thatresulted," Jaeger said at HUCTW's rally in June.
Resolved Soon?
Members of the union and the administrationhave been meeting everyday, either in subgroups oras a full team.
Although Touborg would not speculate on howlong the negotiations would last she said,"everyone is hopefull."
And while Jaeger stresses that the union willfight for an acceptable contract he hopes thenegotiations will conclude promptly.
"The sooner, the better," he said in aninterview last week."