
HUCTW, University Could Be in for Yet Another Long Haul

This worker would suffer because those withchronic conditions must make frequent visits totheir doctor and thus would pay more in totalco-payments.

"If you have to go to the doctor every weekover the course of a year that's a lot of money,"Williams said.

A part-time worker would also have a lowertotal percentage of medical costs paid for by theUniversity.

Jaeger said the person least affected by thechanges would be "a young healthy single personenrolled in an HMO [health maintenanceorganization] who works full-time and we certainlyhave some of those."

But Williams said that even those who are leasthurt by the changes shouldn't ignore them.


Rallying Cries

HUCTW has held several rallies this year tovoice their concerns about the new contract.

In June, the union formed its own a capellagroup which performed songs at the rallies.

"The way I plan to retire/with some dignity/Iplan to rock by the fire/No, no they can't takethat away from me," sang the group called thePipets.

In 1992, HUCTW's demonstration were far morebellicose. Union members protested outsideMassachusetts Hall, followed administrators to aretreat at the Academy of Arts and Sciences inCambridge and marched in front of President NeilL. Rudenstine's Elmwood Avenue home.

Some of the more memorable demonstrationsincluded a June protest in which union memberscarried an effigy of the vacationing Rudenstineand a Halloween event when protesters dressed incostumes and stirred a "cauldron," which theyfilled with demands.

The union also organized the largest Yardprotest in recent memory when they brought theRev. Jesse L. Jackson to speak in their favor inDecember of 1992.

Thousands gathered to hear the noted politicianand activist speak on the subject of employeerights.

Jaeger says there are many reasons why thedemonstrations are more amicable this year.

"Things did start to get sharper and morepointed in the fall and into the winter of '92,"Jaeger said in an interview last week. "This adifferent process at this point. There's morehealthy discussion going on, and it's stillearly."
