
HUCTW, University Could Be in for Yet Another Long Haul

The task force recommended cutting thatpercentage for everyone except full-time workerswho makes less than $45,000 a year. Part timeworkers making less than $45,000 a year would haveonly 70 percent of their health care costs pickedup by the University.

Donene Williams president of HUCTW, saidbetween 500 and 600 Harvard employees would beaffected by this change.

Another major change recommended by theUniversity was in the area of co-payments.

Under the old package, the out-of-pocket costsper doctor visits varied with the health planemployees chose ranging between nothing and $10.

Under the new recommendations every employeewould pay $10 for each office visit.


"At $10, a visit, if you have to go to thedoctor every weeks over the course of a year,that's a lot of money," Williams says.

The task force also recommended changes toemployees' dental coverage plans.

Under the policy that expired this June,Harvard contributed between 66 and 70 percent ofall dental costs for employees. Under the new planthe University would contribute 65 percent ofcosts for full time workers and 40 percent forpart-time workers.

Williams said that while the dental changeswere important to the union they were not as majoran issue."

Aches and Pains

Both Jaeger and Williams say the mostunacceptable parts of the changes are thereductions in benefits for part-time workers.

"One of our main concerns is about the wholeset of changes the University is pursuing," Jaegersays. "The sacrifice seems badly distributed. Ithits some of the most vulnerable people thehardest."

Task force members admitted that the changeswere going to be toughest on part-time workerswhen they released their recommendations a yearago.

"The fact that the University's contributionswill be pro-rated is going to be difficult forthem," Candace R. Corvey, associate vice presidentfor human resources said last year.

When asked for a profile of a employee whowould be hurt the most by these changes Williamsreplied, "a part-time worker with a family, whereone or more people has a chronic healthcondition."
