
Portrait of the Artist


Are your monster drawings inspired by childhood fears? When you were younger did you imagine that you had monsters in your closet?

Of course not...But for God's sake don't look under my bed.

What is your favorite movie?

That would be Delicatessen, a foreign film about cannibalism and neighbors and musical saws in a post-apocalyptic world. It's a nice family film.

What was your favorite moment in Pulp Fiction?


It was when Uma Thurman told John Travolta not to be a square and she drew a square in the air. Clever, clever, clever Mr. Tarantino.

What is your least favorite movie?

The Lion King. Come on, everybody knows lions can't talk.

If you could resurrect anyone from the dead, who would it be?

Defnitely Jim Henson. He was my hero. I love Muppets. Sometimes I think they are infiltrating the human world. There are plenty of people around with googly eyes, fuzzy hair and skin that looks suspiciously like synthetic foam. But now he's dead, and there will be no more Muppet movies. It makes me sad.

I can't believe you didn't say Kurt Cobain or River Phoenix. What planet are you from?

Blargon 7. Don't tell anyone. The takeover is imminent.

What tool do you use to draw?

That depends on which meaning of "draw" you mean. If by "draw" you mean "drawing blood from the necks of human victims," then the answer would be my vampire fangs, of course. If you mean "draw" as in "drawing stupid cartoons," then I would say Micron Pigma pens in a variety of widths.

Isn't it true that you just finished a creative writing thesis? Do you consider yourself a writer as well as an artist?
