
Records Show Liston Violated Several By-Laws

Council V.P. May Face Impeachment

"I wouldn't want to apt someone one the backfor [evading] the by-laws, but I do see the meritin what Josh did this semester," Braswell says."The problem may not be with him, but with our bylaws."

And Beys says he doesn't believe the evidenceagainst Liston is entirely true.

"there are a lot of circumstances and trickythings," Beys says. "There's some veryquestionable evidence."

"Thirty [discrepancies] to me soundspreposterous."

Campaign Promises


The charges against Liston are especiallyironic when considered in the light of hiselection-night campaign speech for vice president.

Making fun of the administrative minutiaerequired of the vice president, Liston evaluatedhis ability to do menial tasks like takingattendance.

"I cannot take attendance any better than" hisopponents, Liston said in his speech. "But I couldjust as well as they could."CrimsonAlex B. LivingstonOdd numbers Number of meetings missed byeight U.C. members in the past semester. U.C.bylaws permit each member no more that five (5)absences per semester.
