
Records Show Liston Violated Several By-Laws

Council V.P. May Face Impeachment

But Secretary Brandon C. Gregoier '95 says theminutes of the march 6 meeting contain no recordof a formal motion to change the procedure onpublic warnings.

"As far as my knowledge, there was no motionmade," Gregoire says.

Gregoire, who was serving as actingparliamentarian at the time, says it is necessaryto make a formal motion before one can suspend theby laws.

"I did tell him that," Gregoire says. Thesecretary also says Liston assured him at the timethat the matter would be discussed later.

Special Elections Problems


Liston also may have violated the by-laws byfailing to bold two special elections in DudleyHouse and one in Duster House to fill vacanciesthat occurred before spring break.

An issue of the council's official newsletterwhich was published before spring break listsvacant seats in Dudley and Dunster.

According to the constitution, any vacancyoccurring before spring break must be filled by aspecial election.

An vice president, Liston is in charge ofadministering such elections.

President Carey W. Gabay '94 declined tocomment on the latest round of allegations.

But council member Christopher J. Garofalo '94laments the impact of the potential scandal on thecouncil.

"I believe this is a very serious problem withmuch at stake," Garofalo says. "The integrity andfuture of the council are in great jeopardy."

Garofalo says in past "scandals," the councilupheld its integrity by "swift and responsibleaction."

"I hope this problem can be rectified in asimilar manner so as not to jeopardize ourfuture," Garofalo says.

But Treasurer Jamila A. Braswell '95 saysListon has done a good job as vice president. Shesays he does not deserve to be recalled if thealleged improprieties are true.
