
Records Show Liston Violated Several By-Laws

Council V.P. May Face Impeachment

"It's kind of hard to comment when I don't knowwhat happened," Liston said.

The discrepancies in records are notconcentrated in one or two meetings. In fact,discrepancies between committee documents andListon's list were discovered on all six dates forwhich The Crimson could obtain records. There is alow of one contradiction for the student affairsmeeting on February 28, and a high of 10discrepancies for the April 12 meeting.

Liston acknowledges that his list was notupdated for the April 19 student affairs committeemeeting.

But at last Sudnay's council meeting--a fullfive days after the committee meeting--Liston readan inaccurate list of name of council members withmore than three absences. Ebery says she submittedthe committee meeting records to Liston two daysbefore Sunday's council meeting.

The records also suggest that Liston's mistakecould not have resulted from the misplacing of alist. For every meeting but the one on April 19,at least one absence marked on Ebery's list ismatched on Liston's record.


If the absences form student affairs committeemeetings are counted, five current council membersshould have been expelled.

The most prominent of these five delegates isformer council chair Michael P. Beys '94. Beys andListon are both members of the Say final club, andmany council members say they consider the formercouncil chair to be Liston's political ally.

Beys defends Liston's records on attendanceenforcement. "Josh, as far as attendanceenforcement. "Josh as far as attendance isconcerned, seems to me to be a hard-liner," hesays.

The other four student affairs committeemembers who would have been expelled if Ebery'srecords had been followed are Danielle D. Do '94,Mark R. Kozek '94, Gregory J. Davis '94-'96 andBradford E. Miller '97.

Executives Absent

In addition to student affairs discrepancies,minutes form council meetings show that Listonfailed to record Several absences for certaincouncil executives.

For example, Listons records show that Jay '95, chair of the finance committee, waspresent for the entire council meeting on March13.

But Kim himself says he was in a show thatnight and "probably missed the entire meeting."The minutes form March 13 support that suggestion.They say that, on that night, the finance vicechair, Diallo A. Riddle '97, gave the committeereport usually delivered by Kim.

In addition, Kim acknowledges that he missedone meeting of the finance committee right beforespring break.

But Kim is credited with perfect attendance atcommittee meetings by Liston.
