
Welcome to Freshman Week--How About a Game of Catch?

(Or What did You Get on your SAT'S?)

4:00 p.m. Freshman seminar Applications due, Prince House. This is the bi-annual free-for-all for places in selective and worthwile seminars, maybe your only chance for real contact with notoriously evanescent faculty members. Lots of luck.

Evening: Party, smoke dope/play catch of course.

Friday, September 15

Today upperclassmen register, and you will feel the University really come to life. But don't worry, there are still some events designed for you.

2:00 p.m. Introductory meeting for theater types at the Loeb Drama Center. The president of the Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club, a really nice guy, will give a little talk and a tour around this beautiful facility. Kind of fun, if only to gawk at the self-confessed theater types on campus.


8:00 and 10:00 p.m. The ridiculous movie, Love Story, will be shown inthe Science center. If you haven't seen it yet, well, you might as well get it over with. It stars Ryan O'Neal and Ali MacGraw, but the real star is harvard. As if they didn't give this place enough press as it is.

Saturday, september 16

10:30 a.m. Radcliffe College Centennial Celebration. Join in the fun as we celebrate the 100th birthday of a college that now seems to exist in name only.

4:30-6:30 p.m. Half of the Freshmen get to have tea with the Boks and the Horners at the Fogg Museum. They used to serve booze at these things, but they got completely out of control, so now you can only have tea or coffee. Not worth it, although you should check out the Fogg. And the other half of the class gets to join the fun on Sunday. The time might better spent writing an ecstatic or semi-suicidal letter to your girl/boy friend, as the case may be, and sending postcards to doting relatives. 8:30 p.m.-midnight. This is it. Memorial Hall will rock (?) tonight with the freshman Mixer, one of the most crowded, sweaty, noisy, horny and thoroughly revolting rites of passage you will ever have to endure. Of course, you don't have to go. The place is filled to the gills with people looking to lose their virginity, or whatever, and it can be a real turn-off. Then again, you might fall in love. And remember, classes start on Monday, so get ready to settle down. Have a good week, and if you don't, well, it'll all be over soon.
