
Losing Through Insemination

The artificial path to success

Bookmaker--Any gambler who supports his gambling by writing.

Carrying Weight--the payoff given each jockey before the race. The amount must be large enough to satisfy his greed, but not so big it will weigh down the horse.

Handicapper--The track thug responsible for disciplining jockeys who ride to win.

Morning Line--The injection given horses before the afternoon races.

Pacer--The prominent member of a group of racing afficionados who sets the pace for beer consumption.


Perfecta--The cry of a successful fixer.

She's a bute--A horse doped legally with phenylbutazone that feels no pain despite its injuries. A good losing bet if the horse looks lame during warm-up.

$6 Combine--The machinery responsible for keeping the track in superb running condition.

Sulky--A jockey expecting a visit from the handicapper.

They're off--Another fixer's cry, signifying that the injections have taken effect.

Trotter--The prominent ;member of a group of racing afficionados who leads the way to the restrooms.


Losing isn't easy. Even though you've always been a loser, someday you might get lucky and win. With any one of the following systems you are guaranteed to lose.

1) Play the track favorite. If someone can pick winners they don't need to make a lousy living telling other people. Even if the favorite wins you lose, because the payoff on an odds-on horse won't even pay for the first bite of a hot dog.

2) Play the long-shots. A good way to lose since they are long-shots for a reason. Horses with casts or eye patches are my particular favorites.
