
The Joyce-Maynard-is-21,-The-Sixties-Are-History Quiz

6. Abbie Hoffman.

7. Carol Doda.

8. William E. Miller: endorsing American Express cards on TV commercials by asking "Hil Do you know me?"

9. The First Family.

10. Hitler.


11. "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out."

12. Adam Clayton Powell.

13. The Bay of Pigs invasion.

14. Dean Rusk, during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

15. $28 million in tractors.

16. Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.), supporting the ABM in 1969.

17. "Cuba didn't do anything for me either."

18. "You raped me, you raped me!"

19. Virgil Grissom. Roger Chaffee, and Fd White.

20. Francis Gary Powers.

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