
The Joyce-Maynard-is-21,-The-Sixties-Are-History Quiz

65 Who was J. D. Lippitt?

66 What kind of age did Robert Frost say the Kennedy mauguration heralded?

67 How did Philadelphia district attorney. Arlen Spector propose to attack the problem of homosexual rape in local jails?

68 Why did residents of Forest Hills N. Y. cut down a grove of trees in a Kew Gardens park in 1969.

69 At the Chteago Seven trial lawyer William Kunstler discovered while opening mail that supporters had sent defendants a packet of marijuana. When Judge Julius Hoffman told him to dispose of the packet, what did Kunstler promise to do with it?


70 Place the following in chronological order: A) French student worker revolt. B) Nixon's "last Press Conference." C) New York Mets World Series victory. D) Supreme Court ruling outlawing prayer in public schools. E) In the Heat of the Night. F) Roger Maris's 61st home run. G) Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed. H) Miniskirts. I) The Pill. J) Medicare.

71 On what grounds did Adolf Eichmann appeal his 1961 conviction for complicity in six million murders?

Bonus Question

Where were YOU when YOU heard that President Kennedy had been shot?

'Let the Word Go Forth...' `````

1. Paul and God.

2. Dr. Benjamin Spock: Attorney-General Ramsey Clark: conspiracy to violate selective service laws.

3. John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Pope John XXIII.

4. Beatle John Lennon. Cushing said he was probably right.

5. Jerry Rubin.

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