
The Joyce-Maynard-is-21,-The-Sixties-Are-History Quiz

25 Who commanded the American ship seized by North Korea in 1968, and what was the name of the ship?

26 In January 1967, a platoon of Chinese soldiers staged daily marches to the Soviet border, where they turned, dropped their pants, and aimed their buttocks at the Soviet troops on the other side. How did the Soviet Union discourage this traditional Chinese insult?

27 According to J. Edgar Hoover, who was "the most notorious liar in the country," a "moral degenerate," and probably also a "secret Communist"?

28 Who banged his shoe on a United Nations table?

29 What presidential hopeful in 1968 explained inconsistencies in his Vietnam position by revealing he had been "brainwashed," and what was Eugene McCarthy's comment?


30 What Caribbean nation did President Johnson save from Communism in 1965?


31 How did Madame Nhu describe the Buddhist monks who burned themselves to death to protest her brother-in-law's regime?

32 Who was the first Czech student to burn himself to death to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?

The Great Society

33 Who said: "I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"?

34 Who told an NAACP convention in 1963: "There are no ghettoes in Chicago"?

35 Who said: "Burn, baby, burn"?

36 What were Freedom Riders?

37 What were Reverse Freedom Riders?

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