
Harvard University

Bruce Bowling, Celtic Alexander Gerschenkron, David Landes. History Ulrich Petersen, Donald Warwick, Social Relations

Richard Brauer, Mathematics Economics Harvey Leibenstein, Economics Geological Sciences Calvert Watkins, Linguistics

Winslow Briggs, Biology Malcolm Gillis, Economics Herbert Levi, MCZ Thomas Pettigrew, Social Relations Paul Weaver. Government

Harvey Brooks, Engineering and Andrew Gleason, Mathematics John Lintner, Economics Don K Price Jr., Government Wiktor Weintraub, Slavic

Applied Physics Jay Goldman, Statistics Seymour Martin Lipset. H. Douglas Price, Government F.H. Westheimer, Chemistry


Roger Brown, Social Relations Nelson Goodman, Philosophy Government and Social Relations Omeljan Pritsak, Slavic B.J. Whiting, English

Charles Burnham, G.P. Goold, Classics Max Loehr, Fine Arts George Quester. Government Edward Wilcox. General Education

Geological Sciences Zvi Griliches, Economics L.H. Loomis, Mathematics Willard Van Quine, Philosophy Ernest Williams, MCZ

Frank Carpenter. Biology Gottfried Haberler. Economics Albert Lord, Slavic John Raper, Biology James Q. Wilson, Government

Bruce Chalmers, Engineering John Haller, Geological Sciences Horace Lunt, Slavic David Riesman, Social Relations Robert Wolff, History
