
Harvard University

Edward Banfield, Government Peter Doeringer. Economics Norman Ingham, Slavic John Mather, Mathematics Vsevolod Setchkarev, Slavic

Francis Bator, Economics Robert Dorfman. Economics R. Victor Jones. Engineering Ernst Mayr, Biology Martin Shefter, Government

Sam Beer. Government James Duesenberry. Economics Jerome Kagan. Social Relations A.J. Meyer. Economics B.F. Skinner, Psychology

Abram Bergson. Economics Otto Eckstein, Economics John Kelleher. Celtic John Montgomery. Government Arthur Smithies. Economics

Marland Billings, Rupert Emerson, Government George Kistiakowsky, Chemistry Richard Neustadt. Government Shlomo Sternberg, Mathematics


Geological Sciences Gwyn Evans. English Ernst Kitzinger, Anthony Oettinger. S.S. Stevens. Psychophysics

Francis Birch, Geological Sciences Martin Feldstein, Economics University Professor Applied Mathematics Werner Stumm, Engineering

Garrett Birkhoff, Mathematics John Finley, Classics David Kresge, Economics Donald Olivier, Social Relations and Applied Physics

Herbert Bloch, Classics Donald Fleming. History Richard Kronauer, Engineering Gustav Papanek, Economics James B. Thompson Jr.,

Morton Bloomfield. English Daniel Fox, History and Applied Physics Alwin Pappenheimer. Biology Geological Sciences

William Bossert, Engineering Richard Freeman, Economics Bernard Kummel, John H. Parry, History Samuel Thorne, History and Law

Barry Bosworth. Economics Frank Freidel, History Geological Sciences, Bryan Patterson, MCZ Adam Ulam, Government

William Bouwsma, History Carl Friedrich, Government James Kurth, Government E.L. Pattullo, Social Relations Robert Underhill, Linguistics

Glen Bowersock, Classics Clifford Frondel, Simon Kuznets. Economics Raymond Paynter. Biology Ezra Vogel. Social Relations

Robert Bowie. Government Geological Sciences Angeliki Laiou. History Dwight Perkins, Economics Eric Wanner, Psychology
